How to set up a Duplicate domain account with Google Workspace

If you're interested in setting up two different organisations that will be using the same domain, check out this article on how to get everything set up smoothly within Space Connect.

Once Space Connect wraps up the back-end setup for your duplicated domain account, the next step is to establish your duplicate domain groups on behalf of your company. This ensures smooth access and functionality.

Log in to Google Cloud Console using your Google Super Admin account. Once there navigate to the top of the page and click on the project drop down. Select "New Project" and name it Space Connect Duplicate and ensure it's within the Google tenant you would like then click "Create". Select your new project from the drop-down.

From the left-hand side, the menu then click on "APIs & Services" and "Library" from the sub-menu. Make sure that you are in your new project.

Search for or scroll down and click on the "Google Calendar API" tile then click the "Enable" button.

Navigate back to the API Library.

Search for or scroll down and click on the "Admin SDK API" tile then click the "Enable" button.

Navigate to "API & Services" and click on "Credentials".

Click on "Create Credentials" and select the "Service Account" tab.

Enter the below details to create the service account.

Service Account Name = SpaceConnect Service Account

Click "Create and Continue" then move on to step 2.

Role = Owner

Step 3 can be left blank.

Click "Done".

Click on the pencil icon to the right of the new service account to get the edit credentials page. Then navigate to the 'keys' tab.

Click "Add Key" and select "Create new key".

Key Type = P12

Click "Create" and save the file.

After you select the "Create" button, the P12 file will automatically download. The New private key details will display and show you the private key password.

NOTE: You will need to record the private key password as you will need these later.

Go back to "APIS & Services" in the left-hand side menu then click "OAuth consent screen". Tick the option “External” and click "Create".

Add in the following information on "App Information".
App name: Space Connect 
User support name: inform the email of an administrator
Developer contact information: add the email of an administrator
Click "Save and Continue"
In step 2 - “ Scopes”:
Click "Save and Continue"
In step 3 - “ Test Users”:
Click "Save and Continue"
In step 4 - “ Summary”: 
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Back to Dashboard"

Click on "Credentials" on the left-hand side of the navigation tab. Click on the pencil icon to the right of the new service account to get the edit credentials page. Click on "Show Advanced Settings". Then Click on "Create Google Workspace Marketplace-compatible OAuth Client". Click "Continue".

Go back to "APIs and Services" and select the "Credentials" tab in the left-hand menu. Record the Client ID of the service account in the OAuth 2.0 client IDs section as you will need this later.

Now it's time to create the Apps and set the scope.

Sign in to the Google Admin Console here. Click on the Security tab on the left-hand navigation menu. Then click on "Access and data control" to expand the drop-down. Click "API Controls". From here Click "Manage Domain Wide Delegation" towards the bottom and then click "Add New".

Paste the Client ID you recorded and copy the following scopes in the "One or More API Scopes" field.


Note - Copy the full list and paste.,,,,,,,

Click on the "Authorise" button.

Go back to the security tab on the left-hand menu. Click on the "Access and data control" drop down then click "API Controls". Once in on the API Controls page click on "Manage Third-Party App Access" then click "Add App" then click on "OAuth App Name or Client ID" and enter the following link:

Click "Search". "Select" Space Connect. Tick the available Client ID then click "Select". Now select "Trusted" for the level of access and click "Finish" to complete.

Now you need to create your Admin and User groups for login access. Navigate to "Directory" on the left-hand side then click "Groups".

Click "Create Group" and enter the following details in the "Create group" form:

Group name: SC-Duplicate-Admin

Group email: SC-Duplicate-Admin

Group Description (optional): Provides users of this group with administration access to the Space Connect platform.

Group Owner(s): An admin user who will be able to make changes if necessary.

Labels: Mailing + Security.

Click "Next".

Set the access level to "Restricted" and then click the "Create Group" button.

Now it's time to add members to your group. Click "Add members" and enter the names of each user you need to make an administrator of Space Connect and select the "Add to Group" button.

You will need at least one admin member in this group.

Repeat the process for your general user group but this time use the following information.

Click "Create Group" and enter the following details in the "Create group" form:

Group name: SC-Duplicate-Users

Group email: SC-Duplicate-Users

Group Description (optional): Provides users of this group with administration access to the Space Connect platform.

Group Owner(s): An admin user who will be able to make changes if necessary.

Labels: Mailing + Security.

Click "Next".

Set the access level to "Restricted" and then click the "Create Group" button.

Add your user members to the group.

Repeat this process if you wish to use any of the following features, Manager Role, Locate Me Kiosk & Catering Calendar.

Once you've successfully created the admin and user groups, kindly notify us of the group names by sending an email to This will allow us to promptly update your account settings to align with the designated group.

Once you've received confirmation that your groups have been successfully updated in your account. You can log in to the Space Connect admin portal, select the "Sign in with Google" button and enter your admin email address. The Google authentication sign-in page will display in a web browser. Confirm the email address and enter the account password.

Your Space Connect company homepage will display.  

If you are a part of the admin group for your primary account then make sure you have selected the correct account within your admin portal before proceeding onto the next section. You can change by clicking the 3 dots next to your company name on the navigation bar.

Using the left-hand menu, navigate to "Configuration" and then click on "Notification Settings".

Scroll down to the G-Suite On Service Account Setup and complete the following:

Service Account Email:= The service account email address

User Email: = Your Google Super Admin email address

Upload P12 File: =The P12 file that was automatically downloaded when you created the service account

P12 Password = Enter the password for the P12 file that was displayed when you created the file

Click the "SAVE" button.

Lastly, to check to make sure you are connected to your groups ok, navigate to "Configuration" then "SetUp". You will see a tick next to the groups you have set up and connected successfully.

You can now use your account as usual.

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