How to set up a Duplicate domain account with Microsoft O365

If you're interested in setting up two different organisations that will be using the same domain, check out this article on how to get everything set up smoothly within Space Connect.

Please make sure you let Space Connect know you are looking to set up a duplicate domain account prior to following these instructions so we can create your organisation accordingly.

Once Space Connect wraps up the back-end setup for your duplicated domain account, the next step is to establish your duplicate domain groups.

Login into the Microsoft 365 admin center using your global admin account. Once there, navigate to "Teams & Groups," click on "Active teams & groups," and then proceed to "Security Groups" where you can add a new security group.

Give your group a name like "SC-Duplicate-Admin," then proceed by clicking "Next." After that, select "Create Group" to finalise the setup, and once everything is in order, click "Close."

Choose the recently created group from the list to open up the window on the right side of your screen. Inside this window, click on "Members," then proceed to "View all and manage members" then "Add members." Begin adding the individuals you wish to grant full admin access to your account. Repeat this process until you have included everyone you intend to grant access.

Now, for the user group, follow the same straightforward process as you did for the admin group. Login into the Microsoft 365 admin center using your global admin account. Once there, navigate to "Teams & Groups," click on "Active teams & groups," and then proceed to "Security Groups" where you can add a new security group.

Give your group a name like "SC-Duplicate-Users," then proceed by clicking "Next." After that, select "Create Group" to finalise the setup, and once everything is in order, click "Close."

Choose the recently created group from the list to open up the window on the right side of your screen. Inside this window, click on "Members," then proceed to "View all and manage members" then "Add members." Begin adding the individuals you wish to grant user access to your account. Repeat this process until you have included everyone you intend to grant access.

Repeat this process if you wish to use any of the following features, Manager Role, Locate Me Kiosk & Catering Calendar.

Once you've successfully created the admin and user groups, kindly notify us of the group names by sending an email to This will allow us to promptly update your account settings to align with the designated group.

Once you've received confirmation that your groups have been successfully updated in your account, an Admin will be required to sign in. Following this, your account will be fully operational and can be used as usual.

Should you ever need to update the names of your groups in Space Connect due to changes in O365, simply navigate to the Space Connect Admin Portal. Click on "Configuration," and then select "Setup." Look for the green tick, indicating that the groups are successfully syncing.

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