31st August 2023

Hello there!

We're thrilled to share some fantastic updates with you:

Space Connect Admin

We're excited to let you know that we've worked hard on making your experience with the Space Connect Admin Panel even better! You'll notice significant improvements in both speed and overall performance.

Booking App

We've made some enhancements to the booking process in the app. You'll find that the desk booking flow is now smoother thanks to improved map loading behaviour. Additionally, we've added resource information to the information panel, giving you more insights at your fingertips. We've also fine-tuned the calendar control booking indicators, ensuring they accurately display data on the right days. Plus, you'll be pleased to know that co-working maps now render correctly.

Panel App

The latest addition of the panel app is now available to Crestron devices - bringing all of the latest and greatest features to the Crestron range of panels.

Space Connect Engine Room

Let's talk about the heart of the Space Connect product—the Engine Room! It's responsible for making everything tick and bringing you all the fantastic features. We've been working behind the scenes to ensure that this powerhouse aligns perfectly with your organisational needs. Countless adjustments have been made to make sure your data flows seamlessly.

This includes:

  • Bookings involving multiple rooms are now seamlessly processed within the Engine Room.
  • Say goodbye to unnecessary reminder notifications for deleted rooms.
  • If an associated level gets deleted, your bookings will still be handled smoothly.

We hope you enjoy these new updates!

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