26th April 2023

  • Workspace Insights

Pre-registered visitors are now added to the Visitor Management Data page. They are denoted with a Visitor type of “Pre-Registered”. When the person completes the visit this changes to “Pre-Registered Visitor”. We have also added an additional Duration column to the Desk, Room and Visitor Management data pages.

  • Fixed Desk email addresses

We're excited to let you know that setting up fixed desks for new employees just got easier! You can now use any email address that matches your organisation's domains to get started. This simple change will make the setup process smoother and more efficient for everyone involved.

  • Email  Templates

We've made some updates to our email templates to ensure that every email you receive from us is consistent in formatting and includes the correct Space Connect header and footer. We hope that this change will make our communications clearer and more professional.

  • “No Current Bookings” state management

We know that it can be frustrating to see a "No Current Bookings" message when you're trying to manage your bookings, even when you do have upcoming bookings. That's why we've worked hard to enhance the logic behind this feature, making it more accurate and reliable. With these improvements, you can have greater confidence that your bookings are being correctly displayed and managed.

  • Booking App tweaks

Lastly, we've made some small but impactful changes to our Booking App! We've improved the mobile rendering of booking times for meetings, making it easier for you to see and manage your bookings on the go. Additionally, we've enhanced the retention of booking times when switching between tabs, so you can quickly and easily find the information you need without any hassle. We hope these improvements make your booking experience even better!

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