How to Set-up the Panel App on an iPad

Follow this guide on Installing the Space Connect Room Panel app for use outside meeting rooms on an iPad.

If an existing Space Connect Panel app is already installed and running, please delete the app from the iPad before proceeding.

Firstly, download and install the latest version of the Space Connect Panel app from the App Store on the iPad.

Once the app has been installed, select the Space Connect Panel app icon from the home screen, Space Connect will load and display the login screen.

Tip: To lock the iPad so that users cannot exit from the app, turn on "Guided Access" from the iPad settings and then triple-click the iPad "Home" button when on the panel app.

With the app running in full screen, select the authentication type set up for your organisation and sign into your Space Connect account. Enter the login details for an Admin user within your Space Connect account.

We advise creating a service account and placing it within the Space Connect admin group for panel login purposes. It's important to configure this account so that it's exempt from mandatory password changes or any other settings that might trigger re-authentication.

The app will proceed through a 3-stage verification and once processed it will display the app's new settings page.

Now on the settings page, select the Location, Floor Level, and Room. The panel will show the meeting information by using the drop-down lists, as well as enabling any of the additional settings if required.
Once complete tap the save button in the top right corner or at the bottom of the page to save the settings and show the configured panel app.

If you need to change the app settings, simply press the cog wheel in the bottom right corner and enter the PIN code.                                                                                                                                             

If you need to exit the application please contact our Support Team at

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