How to Configure Locate Me within Space Connect

Locate Me is a powerful feature that will make your life so much easier! With Locate Me, you'll be able to effortlessly find key contacts on the interactive map, locate your desk, or quickly track down a colleague in the workplace.

This functionality is available to all integration types, however, Email and Password and Google users may have some restrictions. This is because there is no key contact functionality. 

Firstly, log in to the admin portal at and select the correct method for your organisation.

Then head to the Configuration tab on the left-hand side and select Locate Me.

You will be presented with 3 tabs along the top. The first tab is Locate Spaces & Users Configuration.

Please select the options you would like to be displayed on Locate Me within the booking portal.

The Timing toggle restricts users from being able to change the date they want to see the bookings. 

The Search toggle restricts the ability to find a specific space or user. 

The Spaces toggles depend on the resources you have available to users. If it is switched off, the desks or rooms that are available will not show up. 

Create Key Contacts 

Key Contacts is available for O365 customers only

Please Note: The Locate Me groups need to be created before you can map them out as shown in the next steps. Please complete this article first before continuing if you haven't already.

Navigate to Configuration on the left-hand navigation panel, click on Locate Me and then click on Key Contacts Configuration.

Click Create New Contact and fill in the blank boxes.

The Legend is what the user will see when they use the Locate Me function on the desk booking portal. 

The Mapping is the name of the group itself that exists within your Active Directory. 

The Border Hex is the outline colour of the desk and the Background Hex is the main colour that is highlighting the desks. 

Once the tabs have been filled with the correct information and the colours have been chosen, click SAVE CHANGES. Then you are all done!

To edit the names of the legends or mappings, just click 'Edit' 

If you would like to give your users more visibility on who administers your Space Connect account so they can reach out to key contacts if any issues arise then we recommend linking your SpaceConnectCompanyWebAdmin group as a Key Contact and then your users can see who these people are.

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