How to Create a New Meeting Room for O365 and Google

Follow this guide on how to create a new meeting room for O365 and G-Suite set-ups.

Before you begin please ensure you have connected Space Connect to a calendar system (Exchange or G-Suite) and created locations and the levels within them. For example, Building One with levels 1,2, and 3.

With locations and levels created, you can then start to add rooms. This can be added in bulk or individually. Adding individually is so quick and easy, that many clients prefer to use this method.

Firstly, log in to the Space Connect admin portal here and sign in using the correct method for your organisation.

On the homepage, you will see your list of locations. Click on "View" on the required location. Then click "Manage Rooms" on the required level.

The next screen shows a list of rooms for the selected level.  If this is the first time adding rooms, then the list will be empty and state "No Rooms".
Click on the button for "Individual Room Connection".

Enter the details of the meeting room:

Room Name - Enter the name of the room as you would like it to appear to users e.g. Boardroom.
Room Email Address - Enter the room email address which matches that in the calendar system.  It must be an exact match, not using aliases.
You may need your Exchange or Google administrator to provide this detail.
Location - The location/building of the room. The list is pulled from the locations created in SpaceConnect.
Level - The level of the room. The list is pulled from the levels created in SpaceConnect for the selected location.
Calendar Type - Select the calendar system that the room uses to store event data. e.g. O365 or Google G-Suite.


This information must be entered by yourselves (rather than Space Connect) as the system verifies that the logged-in user is permitted to view the room email. This prevents people from adding meeting rooms for different organisations and managing that data.

The room will take a few minutes to generate a real-time connection between Office365/Exchange and Space Connect. After 5 minutes, you should be able to make a booking via your Outlook calendar and it will appear in the Space Connect mobile app and meeting room panel.
If you are unable to see your bookings, please contact support - at 
Once saved you will be returned to the list of rooms. This should now include the room that was just added. From here you can click "Edit Room" to enter more details about the room. Select the tabs to go through the different settings for the room. These room settings will allow you to narrow down searches for rooms based on specific resource requirements.

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