What distinguishes having a VMS role from not having one?

This article delineates the distinction between possessing a VMS role and not.

A User, Manager or Admin with the VMS Role

When a User, Manager or Administrator is assigned the VMS Role, they are granted access to the complete array of data within the visitor tab on our booking portal. This encompasses details concerning all company-related entities, including visitors, deliveries, contractors, and employee in/out data. Furthermore, they possess the capability to edit or remove these records as required.

A User, Manager or Admin without the VMS Role

If a User, Manager or Administrator does not hold the VMS role, they will solely be able to access their individual visitor information. Additionally, they retain the ability to pre-register, provided this feature has been activated within the settings.

Please note: The VMS role functions as an addition and cannot be independently assigned as a standalone role.

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